The Case For Bigfoot
Do you think it’s possible that a large primate could live undiscovered in the vast remote wilderness areas of North America?
Believe Boldly
Do you think it’s possible that a large primate could live undiscovered in the vast remote wilderness areas of North America?
Around the world there are stories, myths and legends of mysterious creatures lurking in the depths of lakes and rivers. “Nessie”, or the Loch Ness monster is by far the most famous, but there are many others.
In Canada, there is a small organization working very hard to change this. TESA or The Experiencer Support Association is trying to bring focus, direction and consistency to paranormal research.
The world around us is experienced through our five senses. Yet, we know there is much more gong on that exists beyond what we can see, hear, taste, touch, or smell. Infrared. Ultrasonic. Microwaves. Microscopic. All things we know to …